Chelsea - New York -

RX s'installe a Chelsea - New York -

en partenariat avec la SLAG Gallery

Éric Rodrigue and Éric Dereumaux have the pleasure of sharing a new chapter of Gallery RX with you.

It has been 18 years since the opening of Gallery RX at Matignon, in April 2002. After having expanded in 2006 at the same address, a monumental space on the periphery of Ivry-sur-Seine opened up in 2011. It was finally in 2016 and in the heart of the Marais that Gallery RX inaugurated a 640m² space that we now know today.

The adventure currently continues with the upcoming opening of an American annex in Chelsea - New York - in partnership with the Slag Gallery, founded in 2008 by Irina Protopopescu, in the same neighborhood.

Opening planned for mid-February 2021.