Tirtzah BASSEL

L'artiste américaine Tirtzah Bassel, basée à Brooklyn et née en 1979, crée des images et des installations qui proposent aux spectateurs de percevoir le familier d’une manière inattendue. Ses peintures figuratives et ses installations attirent l’attention sur la neutralité présumée d’espaces précis comme les aéroports ou les supermarchés, et « Canon in Drag » - une série de peintures qui reprend des grands classiques - questionnent l’autorité des images canoniques à travers une inversion des genres et une altération de la narration.
Née en 1979 .
Vit et travaille à Brooklyn, NY.
2010 MFA in painting, Boston University, Boston, MA.
2004 Jerusalem Studio School, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Little Deaths, RX & SLAG, Paris, France
- Canon in Drag, Slag Gallery, New York, NY.
- Close One Eye, Slag Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
- When You are Everywhere, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, Allemagne.
- Keynote, Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY.
- Volta NY, Slag Gallery, New York, NY.
-Terminal, BRIC Arts Media House, Brooklyn, NY.
- Rites, Slag Gallery, NY (Two Person).
- I want To Hold You Close, Open Source Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
- PERFORM, Firehouse Plaza Art Gallery, Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY.
- The Line Starts Here, Slag Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
- Duct Tape Miami, Gliter&__, Miami, FL.
- Stop and Frisk, Strivers Gardens Gallery, Harlem New York, NY.
- El Paso/Juarez : Your dreams Available Now, Purple Pop Up, El Paso, TX.
- Airport In Security, Chashama 416 Gallery, New York, NY.
- TSA Chapel, LABA Fellowship, Ney York, NY.
- MFA Thesis Show, 808 Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA.
- Pieces of Change, Solo Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel (curator : Danna Taggar Heller)
- Milk Tongue, Martin-Mullen Gallery, SUNY Oneanta, Oneanta, NY
- PLATFORM, in partnership with David Zwirner, New York, NY.
- Tomorrow’s Women, Natasha Arselan Gallery, Londres, UK.
- Curated Choice. Female Figuration, ENTER Art Fair, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Copenhague, Danemark.
- Unconquerable Women, Benefit Against Abortion Ban in Texas, Marthas Contemporary, Austin TX
- Scapes, Slag Gallery, New York, NY.
- Domestic Brutes, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY (curators : Chirstina Massey and Etty Yaniv).
- Collective Disquiet, Musa Collective, Boston, MA (virtual).
- Instal/De-instal, 601 Artspace, New York, NY (curator : Gabriela Vainsancher).
- Volta Bassel, Slag Gallery, Basel, Suisse.
- Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Rheinstetten, Allemagne.
- Four New York Painters, Tirtzah Bassel, Dumitro Gorzo, Tim Kent, et Dan Voinea, Kunstverein Worms & Kunstverein Vierhnheim en collaboration de Kunstverein Stuttgart, Allemagne.
- Art@ SAP, SAP International Training Center, Walldorf, Allemagne (curator : Alexandra Cozgarea).
- Home Land Security, FOR-SITE Foundation, San Francisco, CA.
- Adhere, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ.
- Hort Foundation Benefit Exhibition and Auction, Bosi Contemporary Gallery, New York, NY.
- Human Territory, Slag Contemporary Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY.
- Volta Basel, Slag Gallery, Basel, Suisse.
- Convergence, 808 Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA
- ROOMS, Gitler&__, New York, NY.
- Line. Grid. Black. White. Dreitzer Gallery, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
- From Origin to Originality, Contemporary Israeli Art, The Laurie M Tisch Gallery, at the JCC, Manhattan, NY.
- Faculty Show, Weili Art Gallery, New York, NY.
- Pop Up – Pop In, Amalgamated Artsitd, New York, NY.
- I am my Beloved, Performance Project, LABA Theater, New York, NY.
- In Bodies That Don’t Keep, Two Person Show, Commonwealth Gallery, Boston, MA.
- 25th International Exhibition, Musuem of Fine Arts Florida, Tallahassee, FL Market, RKB Gallery, UK.
- Realization of Dreams, Rubin-Frankel Gallery, Boston, MA.
- Boston Young Contemporaries, 808 Gallery, Boston MA.
- Imagine Desire, Aegis First Biennal, Hite Art Institue, University of Louisville, KY.
- Boston Printmakers, 2009 North American Print Biennal, 808 Gallery, Boston MA.
- Genesis, Collaborative Performance Project, American Dance Festival, Duke University, Durham.
- Home for Hebrew Culture, Tel Aviv, Israël.
- New York, High Touch Gallery, Herliya, Israël.
- Work in Progress, Art Space Gallery, Jerusalem, Israël.
- BBC Radio 4: Front Row, Artist Tirtzah Bassels Canon in Drag Reimagines art history without the patriarchy, July 20th.
- Lilith Magazine, Artist Tirtzah Bassels Female Gaze, Susan Schur, November 15th, 2021.
- The Art Newspaper, Canon in Drag: Tirtzah Bassel, Etty Yaniv, September 22nd.
- Rethinking Painting, Nancy Princenthal, Raphael Rubinstein, Jutta. Koether, Barry Schwabsky, edited with an introduction by Joan Waltermath,
- The Leroy Hofflberg School of Painting at MICA.
- The Journal News, Pelham exhibit "a realistic picture of what it means to be a women today " M. Falkenstein, Sept 16
- Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Die Stille Vor Dem Blick: Aktuelle Ausstellungen die. Israelische Malerin Tirtzah Bassel Jetz in der Galerie Thomas Fuchs - wird sich die Kunstwelt erobern, Nikolai B. Forstbauer, October 19 2018.
- Stuttgarter Zeitung, Einmal Waschen und Legen, Galerienotizen, Dr. Georg Leisten, October 5th.
- Le Monde Diplomatique, Artist of the Month, Wilhelm Werthern, December 7th
- Wormser Zeitung, New Yorker Kunst Worms und Viernheim, Sophia Rishyna, April 4th.
- SFAQ, Home Land at the Presidio, Gabrielle Gopinath,December 15th.
- Hyperallergic, Stories of War and Survival Unfold in San Francisco's Presidio, Thea Quiray Tagle, November 16th.
- ArtLtd Magazine, Report: San Francisco, Leora Lutz, November.
- Freize Magazine, Home Land Security, Rob Marks, October 24th.
- KQED, “Artwork and Setting Depict Post-9/11 World,” Matthew Harrison Tedford, September 26th.
- SF Weekly, “For-site is 20/20,” Jonathan Curiel, September 22nd.
- The Bay Area Reporter,“Coastal Art Installations,” Sura Wood September 15th.
- KQED Forum, “Homeland Security Installation Comes to San Francisco’s Presidio Barracks,” M. Krasny, September 13th.
- The Art Newspaper, “Political Art That Packs A Punch,” Jori Finkel, September 9th.
- Curbed SF,“Exclusive Look at Art inside Presidio’s Abandoned Bunkers,” Adam Brinklow, Sept.9
- San Fransisco Chronicle,“Foundation Puts Ballistics Test Inside Mothballed Presidio Bunker, Sam Whiting, September 7th.
- C Magazine, “Safe Haven,” Leilani Labong, September.
- SF/ARTS, “New Presidio Exhibit Illuminates Complex Social Issues,” Jean Schiffman, Sept.2016
- San Francisco magazine, “Make Art Not War,” Annie Tittiger, September.
- The New York Times, A ‘Home Land Security’ Art Show, at the Foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, J. Finkel, June 23rd.
- KQED,Ex-Military Bunkers to Host Major Group Exhibition in San Francisco, C. Veltman June 23
- San Francisco Chronicle, For-Site Show coming to Presidio in September, Sam Whiting June 23rd.
- BK Live, Tirtzah Bassel’s Duct Tape Art, March 17th.
- Visual Arts Center of New Jersey Exhibition Catalog, Exposing Adhesives, Katherine Murdock.
- Brooklyn Hits, Interview with Garret Lawson, March 17th.
- The Boston Globe, BU's Abstract Ace Shows His Stripes, Cate McQuaid, December 2nd.
- Poets and Artists, Substance, Daniel Maidman, Issue #56, June 2014.
- Metalptic, Tirtzah Bassel at Slag Gallery, Tatiana Isotmina, May 9th.
- Arts in Bushwick, An Odd Symbiosis: Action in Non- Action, Etty Yaniv, April 23rd.
- Prologue Profiles, Interview with Dan Held, April 13th.
- The Huffington Post, Tirtzah Bassel Transform Duct Tape, Vanessa Albury, March 26th.
- Hyperallergic, The Miami Fairs, Rendered in Duct Tape, Vanessa Albury, March 26th.
- Atribune, Miami Updates: Non-Solo Fiere, Santa Nastro, December 8th.
- Journal of Absence: New York, Bookieman Publications, July12th.
- El Paso Inc., The Border Through a Visitors Eyes, Austin Savage, May 29th.
- El Paso Inc., Pop Up Art: Your Dreams Available Now, Melody Parra, May 22nd.
- El Diario de El Paso, Expaone su art visual insirada en la Vida en la frontera, Sergio Arellan, May 19th.
- Untapped Cities, A Tribecca Art Exhbition shown in 'Rooms', Abby Sam Thomas, March 8th.
- Sketch 42, Airport Insecurity, Nicole Cohen, Februrary 18th.
- Buddy of Work, Oil &Duct Tape, January 23rd.
- The One Way Ticket Show, Interview with Steven Shalowitz, October 9th.
- Waters Edge: Conversations with Three Artist, Intervieww with Davy Knitted, August 21st.
- The Sisterhood/ The Jewish Daily Forward, Getting Inmate at the Airport, Interview with Gabrielle Bikner, May 16th.
- Ynet/Yediot Acharonot, The Heart of LABA, Interview with Yasmin Shemesh (in Hebrew), May15th.
- America Israel Cultural Foundation website, Featured Artist: Tirtzah Bassel, May 13th.
- Speakers Lab Exploring New Perspectoves on Jewish Identity,Interview with Helena Gindi, April 11th.
- Ynet/Yediot Acharonot, Contemporary Conceptualism, Leor Grady(in Hebrew); March 1st.
- Globes Israeli Business Daily, A Window of Opportunity at the Central Bus Station, Hagit. Peleg Rotem, February 7th.
- Faculty, Visual and Critical Studies., Continuing Education Department, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY.
- Vice President of Partnerships and Jewish Learning, OneTable, New York, NY.
- Program Director, Lippman Kanfer Foundation, Brooklyn, NY.
- Founding Director and Senior Educator, Pop Up for change, 14th street Y, New York, NY.
- Assitant Director, Brandeis Institute for Music and Art, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
- Visual Arts Instructor, Brandeis Institute for Music and Art, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
- Visual Arts Instructor, School of the Arts, 92nd Street Y, New York, NY.
- Instructor of Record, Figure Drawing, Boston University, Boston, MA.
- Senior Educator & Program Coordinator, The Nesiya Institue, Jerusalem, Israel Interracial Dialog Facilitator.
2020- present
- Board Member, Faith in/ and Democracy Advisory Board, Philanthopy for Active Civic Engagment (PACE), Washington DC.
2014 - 2018
- Board Member, Visual Arts Advisory Board, School of Visual Arts, Boston University College of Fine Arts, Boston, MA.
- Member of Review Panel, BRIC Arts Media House, Brooklyn, NY.
- Artist Panel: Birthing Bodies/Birthing Art, Conference: Mother’s Milk – Breastfeeding from Metaphor to Practice, with Loudon Wainwright III, Tirtzah
- Bassel, Katie Umans, Shilpa Darivemula and Isha Parupudi (Aseemkala Initiative),University of New Hampshire Visiting Artist, Visual Arts Department
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA.
- Visiting Artist, Dance Department, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
- Visiting Artist, Print Media Department, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit, MI.
- Visiting Artist, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit, MI.
- Visiting Artist, Parsons The New School of Design, New York, NY.
- Visiting Artist, University of The Arts, Philadelphia, PA.
- Visiting Artist Lecture, L.E. Hoffberger Graduate School of Painting, Maryland Institue College of Art, Baltimore, MD.
- Visiting Artist Lecture, Nassum Community College, Garden City, NY.
- Visiting Artist Lectur Stanlee & Gerald Rubin Center for Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.
- Visiting Artist Lecture Davidson College, Davidson, NC.
- Studio Residency, Chashama Workspace Program, Brooklyn, NY.
2013, 2016
- Asylum Arts, International Artist Retreat, Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY.
- Awesome without Borders Grant, The Harnisch Foundation, New York, NY.
- LABA Arist Fellowship, 14th street Y, New York, NY.
- Arist Residency, I-Park Foundation, East Haddam, CT.
2002, 2003
- Arist Residency, International School of Drawing Painting and Sculture, Umbria, Italy.
- Boston University Woman's Council Scholarship, Boston University.
- Dean's Scholar Award, College of Fine Arts at Boston University.